The innovative WaterLink® Spin Touch® photometer by LaMotte, is the most advanced water testing system for precise use of wet chemistry methods ever produced & Penguin Spas is the first company in Scotland to invest in this technology

Bring water sample to store in sterile bottle
Using a sterile bottle, take a water sample of your spa's water and bring it to our store for a free water analysis

Total waiting time for results: 60 Seconds
In just 60 seconds all the test results are transferred analysed for precise treatment instructions.

10 Parameters simultaneously analysed
This is the most advanced system for precise use of wet chemistry methods ever produced.

Full water treatment recommendations
Full printed report in proper sequence with precise dosages and clear instructions of spa water analysed
Free Hot Tub & Spa Water Analysis
You got a hot tub so you could kick back, relax, and unwind. But instead, unstable pH levels and screwed up total alkalinity (TA) levels are driving you mad. You are chasing chemical levels up and down your test strips, but you just can’t seem to hit the sweet spot in the middle.
Penguin Hot Tubs and Swim Spas offers FREE computerised water analysis for your hot tub, spa or pool. Our state-of-the-art Waterlink Spin Touch photometer uses technology borrowed from the medical field that ensures you the most accurate results possible. A typical 10-point analysis takes less than 60 seconds and is done while you wait – coffee also provided free.
Our computer then generates a highly accurate analysis of your hot tub or spa water, complete with a printed report in proper sequence with precise dosage and clear instruction on how to dispense your chemicals safely.
Penguin Hot Tubs and Swim Spa’s employees are all fully certified, qualified by BISHTA in water management and trained in the control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems.
* We apologise if the trainee makes the coffee
We Test 10 Parameters
Our advanced innovative photometer will analyse 10 parameters simultaneously which includes: Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, Bromine, pH, Calcium Hardness, Total Alkalinity, Cyanuric Acid, Copper, Iron and Salt.
We will then print out in proper sequence the precise dosage and clear instructions on how to dispense your hot tub chemicals safely

Water Management Services designed for
Holiday homeowners
Penguin Spas use only UKAS accredited laboratories for Legionella Testing and micro-biological water analysis.
All our field-based water technicians are fully certified, qualified by BISHTA in water management and trained in the control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems.